Alexandra Spitz-Oener

Alexandra Spitz-Oener

Deputy Director


Alexandra Spitz-Oener is a Professor of Economics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, and a research associate at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg. Her research interests are in Applied Microeconomics, in particular Labor Economics. Her current research focuses on understanding the challenges for workers brought about by technological changes, trade and immigration.

Featured publications

Labour Economics, April 2022

Government Aid and Child Refugees’ Economic Success Later in Life: Evidence from Post-WWII GDR Refugees

Sandra E. Black, Hannah Liepmann, Camille Remigereau, Alexandra Spitz-Oener

Review of Economics and Statistics, March 2020

The Impact of Immigration on Competing Natives’ Wages: Evidence from German Reunification

Susanne Prantl, Alexandra Spitz-Oener

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2014

From the "Sick Man of Europe" to the "Economic Superstar": Germany’s Resurgent Economy

Christian Dustmann, Bernd Fitzenberger, Uta Schönberg, Alexandra Spitz-Oener

Review of Economics and Statistics, February 2010

Technological Change and the Skill Content of Women’s Work

Sandra E Black, Alexandra Spitz-Oener

Journal of Labor Economics, April 2006

Technical Change, Job Tasks, and Rising Educational Demands: Looking outside the Wage Structure

Alexandra Spitz‐Oener