Christian Dustmann on Trump’s Trade Threats and Europe’s Economic Strength
In an interview with Danish newspaper Politiken, Christian Dustmann discussed the potential consequences of trade tariffs threatened by U.S. President Donald Trump. The article, published online under the title “Økonom kommer med et budskab efter Trump-trusler: Tør øjnene og stop...

Christian Dustmann Featured on SVT’s Rapport Discussing Tesla and Work
Sweden’s national public television broadcaster, SVT Sveriges Television, has featured Christian Dustmann in a segment on its Rapport program, discussing the global impact of Tesla and its CEO, Elon Musk. The report, titled “Tesla Employee Testifies About Poor Working Conditions”,...

Do Irregular Migrants Know What They Are Getting Into? by Giacomo Battiston in Italian ECO
The Italian magazine ECO (Monthly Review of Economics) published an article by Giacomo Battiston in its first monthly issue of 2025, titled “I migranti irregolari sanno a cosa vanno incontro?” (Eng: Do Irregular Migrants Know What They Are Getting Into?)...

Fasani and Frattini Examine Border Externalization in ECO
L’intesa con l’Albania e gli altri accordi che non funzionano (‘The arrangement with Albania and other agreements that don’t work’) – an article by Francesco Fasani and Tommaso Frattini on the effects of border externalization has been published in the...

Volume 5 of the Handbook of Labor Economics Published
We are pleased to announce the release of Volume 5 of the Handbook of Labor Economics, edited by Christian Dustmann and Thomas Lemieux. Recognized as a leading resource in the field, the Handbook brings together contributions from some of the...

Christian Dustmann kommentiert auf n-tv die VW-Krise und die deutsche Autoindustrie
Heute um 14:00 Uhr war Direktor, Christian Dustmann, als Arbeitsmarktexperte in der Telebörse auf n-tv zu sehen. Professor Dustmann wird die neuesten Entwicklungen bei Volkswagen kommentieren, insbesondere die kürzlich vom Betriebsrat angekündigten Pläne des Konzerns, möglicherweise drei Werke in Deutschland...

We Welcome Harald Schultz as Our New Director of Communications
We are pleased to welcome Harald Schultz as the new Director of Communications at the ROCKWOOL Foundation Berlin. “With over 30 years of experience in journalism, public relations, and strategic communications, Harald joins us with a wealth of expertise that...

Congratulations to Nobel Prize Winners Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson
We are delighted to congratulate Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson on being awarded the 2024 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences recognized their outstanding work on how...

Our Project Leaders Elected as Fellows of the Econometric Society
We are delighted to announce that three of our Project Leaders have been elected as 2024 Fellows of the Econometric Society, a prestigious recognition of their significant contributions to the field of economics. Jerome Adda, Research Director and Project Leader...